New York

This is the illustrated account of our 4th of July vacation to New York. Be sure to see the Niagara gallery for the completion of our vacation.

All pictures are thumbnails. Click on them if you want to see a bigger and better picture, under 110k.

From Niagara Falls, we took off to New York. Manhattan Island, the largest continuous chunk of concrete in the world. Wow. I can hardly believe how much effort was put into such a small place just to be able to fit more people there!
SUBWAY We parked in Jersey City, NJ, and rode the PATH train into New York, and from there used our friend, public transportation, to get us where we needed to go. We became very familiar with the subway system, and the map on the left is now firmly embedded into our brains.
After a hard day on the town, we managed to find a normal-like little restaurant, called "Court Square Diner" over in Queens. It was pretty relaxing after visiting all those hustling and bustling places like the Empire State Building, the Library, Times Square, and everything else. It was especially nice to get some water, because as I found out the next day, some restaurants (namely Sbarro pizza) will not give you water with your meal! And I thought that this new deal about charging $1 for bottled "spring water" was bad...
That whole weekend, there was a parade of ships (called "OpSail 2000", or something cryptic like that) in New York. There were a bunch of Tall Ships, with masts and sails and stuff, and there were some battleships too.
The battleships don't look near as huge on picture as they do in real life. This is a problem I have in most of my pictures, especially the mountains of Vermont or Niagara Falls. Anyways, being able to look out over the water and see 5 United States battleships is one of the most secure feelings you'll ever have.
This picture was taken from the Staten Island Ferry, like most of my pictures in this New York collection. From here, you can see Jersey City, NJ on the left, Manhattan Island, NY on the right, a battleship in the foreground, and the Statue of Liberty in front of Jersey City, overlooking the harbor.

. . . New York 2     

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This page was last updated July 23, 2000.
© Copyright 2000, Andrew Fredman