New York

This is the illustrated account of our 4th of July vacation to New York. Be sure to see the Niagara gallery for the completion of our vacation.

All pictures are thumbnails. Click on them if you want to see a bigger and better picture, under 46.5k.

On the 4th, there was a ship parade, with a bunch of ships. This was my most favorite ship there, even though I don't know what country it comes from, or what type of ship it was. I even got a cluster of New York's finest standing in the foreground. Those poor people had to put up with us tourizing them all weekend long, and I don't think that they got much of a break with all those road blocks they had to put up.
I took a picture of this ship because it was the only one I knew. It was from Portugal, and that's about all I know about it.
One of the most exciting parts of the parade was the flyby put on by the USAF and the Navy. There are some cool clusters of fighters (not sure exactly which type) and on the left is a picture of a couple of helicopters and some other unidentified planes. My favorite was the B2. I saw it in the distance, and tried to convince some people around me that there was actually a B2 coming, but they are so thin it's almost impossible to see them. When it got to where we were, the pilot took an extra wide swoop, showing us the underside of the huge bomber. That thing is really dangerous looking.
The Tall Ships weren't all that small either. This one, although in the foreground, makes the United States' most powerful sea power look small.
Little Italy was one of the many places we visited during our stay in New York. I liked it a lot more than Chinatown, because it actually had culture, albeit food was the only part of their culture they showed. Chinatown was filled with everything from bootlegged movies to TI-89s, with no sign of anything Chinese besides the nationality of the people selling the stuff.

P.S. Can you see the Empire State Building in the background?
The 5th of July, we took a ride on the Staten Island Ferry to see good 'ole Manhattan Island from a long way off, and to get a look at Lady Liberty.
All said, New York is quite a place to spend the 4th of July. Everything from the bustling subways and streets, to the fireworks, to a quiet ride on the ferry overlooking the Statue of Liberty, makes New York quite an interesting vacationing place indeed.

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This page was last updated July 23, 2000.
© Copyright 2000, Andrew Fredman