Winter Carnival 2001

This is how a hall of 41 guys (and a few honorary members) can do some massive construction with snow, turning a normal piece of Houghton lawn into a work of art in 14 hours.

Odysseus Braves Poseidon's Wintery Waves was the title of this year's statue for the theme Greek Myths Unfold in a Wondrous Land of Cold.

All pictures are thumbnails. Click on them if you want to see a bigger and better picture, under 411k.

Here's the story behind our statue. No one else managed to choose the same story we did, which is a good thing.
Poseidon was done by the winning fraternity, but that's a good thing. This is the second year in a row where we've "chosen" the winner of the Class 1 Month-long winner.
We have Odysseus catching a wave, with his mouth hanging open in fright.
Here is the buff Poseidon riding his dolphin-driven chariot, carrying the most stubborn trident on the face of the earth.
Complete with letters, the late shift left the statue around 7 am, to be judged later that morning.
Oh yeah, Das Lowenhaus pulls off it's 5th Class III One-Nighter First Place award!

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This page was last updated February 9, 2001.
© Copyright 2000, Andrew Fredman