It’s amazing sometimes how fast Titus goes from not being able to do something at all, to being able to do it quite well.
A week or two ago, Titus was kinda sorta standing by himself for a few seconds (followed quickly by a nosedive towards whomever was closest to him). The next day, he hit about 16 seconds standing by himself. We thought that was quite an improvement! However, the next day Titus decided to let go of my hands while we were practicing standing, and he stood there in the hallway for about 44 seconds before looking up at me and tipping over backwards!
In three days, he went from a wobbly little stander to a full time stander! Of course, now his favorite thing to do is stand by his bookshelf and pull every single book onto the floor!
You should be working on that bathroom more and watching Titus less! No time for Settlers…suuure.