
We finally got to hear the baby’s heartbeat! At 10 weeks and 3 days the doctor and nurse prepped us, saying that we were a few days early and that we might not be able to hear the heartbeat.

After a suspenseful 20 seconds when the doctor was trying to pick up on it, we started doubting that we would be able to hear anything…but then we started to hear the quick thump, thump, thump of the baby’s heart beat! It was going pretty quickly…rough count says a little under 180 (though I can’t say I was counting all that exactly). I only deal in multiples of 60, and it was much faster than 120!

Since hearing the heartbeat, we’ve gotten all sorts of feedback concerning gender prediction of the baby as it pertains to the heartbeat. Some quick wives’ tale pseudocode for you:

if heartbeat > 140, gender = girl

else if heartbeat < 140, gender = boy But I've probably heard as many examples of how those equations didn't work as I've heard of how they did. I guess predicting the baby's gender just gives us something to do until Sarah can feel the kicking!

About Andy

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2 Responses to Heartbeat!

  1. Grandma says:

    I just found this site this morning 01-21-06, looks like it has a lot of info. Not like the old days when you just found out the gender when it was born…That’s our new technology. Wonderful isn’t it…GG

  2. Nate says:

    char gender;

    if ((Baby.Heartbeat < 140) && (Baby.Sits == MORE_TO_THE_LEFT) && ((Baby.Eyes == BLUE) || (Baby.Eyes == BROWN)) && (Lunar.Eclipse == TRUE) && ((Andy.isWearing(today)) == PLAID) { gender = M; } else { gender = F } I think science has proven this.

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