
I’ve been walking into Lamaze Class these last two weeks wearing my typical business professional attire, looking a little geeky, and acting more than a little introverted. I know I’m geeky, and my classmates certainly know that as well. However, I didn’t realize how much of a dead giveaway I was until last night.

During our first class time, our instructor had asked us to anonymously fill out a little card with 3 things we wanted to learn during the course of the class. Then she prepared her material based on these questions. Last night, a classmate was asking questions and the instructor finally said to him, “You must have been the one who put ‘Statistics’ on your list of questions!” My classmate said “no”, causing our instructor to swing her eyes across the room (there’s maybe 10 couples who regularly attend class), resting directly on me.


But hey, statistics are a good thing, right?

About Andy

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One Response to Statistics

  1. Nate says:

    It\’s not business professional unless it has a tie! I still stand by that 😛

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