He’s Not the Babysitter!

Yes, I know that all of you who read this are most interested in the interesting antics of my children but I do have a life beyond my children you know =)  So today you get to hear my partial rant about people who figure that when the husband/dad spends time with the children while the wife/mom is not present, that he is babysitting…are you serious?!  How does that work?  I mean, really a Dad is NOT a babysitter!  Truly, I say that in the nicest sense possible.  I love my husband dearly and I really enjoy watching how much he loves our boys!!  This week I was gone a number of evenings in a row and therefore, Andy got quite a bit of guy time with our boys!  I just have to say how very much I appreciate him!  He may not be a  babysitter but he really makes my life so enjoyable…he encourages me to get out of the house after a long day with a sick baby or whining two year old…he encourages me to keep friendships with other girls…he encourages me to do fun things like see chic flicks and go shopping!  Overall, I am so blessed to have such a great husband who also happens to be a fabulous daddy!  Thanks Andy!

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One Response to He’s Not the Babysitter!

  1. Auntie Alyssa says:

    I concur!!!

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