The things they say…

It seems that it has been a week full of funny little saying from Titus…maybe that’s just how it goes with a two year old!

One of my favorite things was that last night Titus was finishing his dinner while Andy was working on getting the knots out of my neck and shoulders.  I love when Andy does this and even though I grimace a little it feels so much better when he’s done but in the middle of it Titus looked over at me with such concern in his eyes and said to Andy “Don’t do that Daddy!”  Sweet little boy was truly concerned about why Daddy was causing pain to Mommy =)  Not to worry, he is now convinced that it’s a good thing and that he would like a little neck massage too!

Here’s another one I like:

Andy:  Titus, are you in trouble?

Titus:  Ummm….not yet?!

The other funny thing that he does is that whenever he coughs, he looks at me promptly and says “I’m okay Mommy!”  I guess he figures that I’m pretty worried about him =)

Anyhow, just thought I’d share…hope everyone has a good weekend!

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