

I realize that no matter what stage of life you are in, there are likely never enough hours in the day.  This stage for me is no different.  I really think I had some fairly unrealistic expectations of what my days would look like as a stay at home mom…amazing times of playing, learning, exploring with my children and extreme productivity for my house cleaning, cooking, etc.  Obviously those of you who have been to my house know that things didn’t exactly turn out like that =)  This week I was feeling excited about checking some things off my list (because I really do enjoy that a lot!) and so while the boys were napping one afternoon I was working on entering receipts in our budget ledger and balancing the checkbook…of course Asher woke up early and while I attempted to finish the job, he “helped” me by sucking on my receipts and scattering them into all of the nooks and crannies in my living room.  It wasn’t a big deal but it did get me thinking again about what “productivity” looks like at this stage in my life.  Sure, dinner does need to be made or we’d all go hungry and the bathroom should be cleaned so that no one gets too repulsed but I have to also remind myself that I am a stay at home mom because I believe it is valuable to my children and not because I desire a spotless house.  So, here is my new list of productivity that happened that day instead of getting the house stuff done:

-36 books read to the boys

-picnic lunch packed and enjoyed with the boys

-fingernails and toenails trimmed

-matchbox cars organized, color coordinated, driven and played with excessively

-puzzles completed

-many, many, many, many songs sung to and with my boys

-workout including pushing on swings, chasing after, carrying and climbing

-intellectual stimulation including alphabet practice, counting, color identification, etc.

-creative activities pursued including playdoh creatures and many imaginative games

-hugs and kisses given

I guess it wasn’t such an unproductive day after all =)

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5 Responses to Productivity??

  1. Grandma says:

    You are SO RIGHT!

  2. Auntie Alyssa says:

    SO true!! You need to post this list on your fridge – I think I am!!

  3. Maria says:

    That was an awesome post! I completely agree 100%.

  4. Grandma says:

    This is cute, Sarah, and though I’m not a mom yet, I know it’s very, very true! Thanks for writing it so funny – I think my favorite part was about color coordinating the matchbox cars…and playing with them excessively 🙂

  5. Amy says:

    Oops…just so you know, that last “Grandma” post was actually supposed to be from me…I’m on the home computer instead of my laptop and I forgot to check who I was publishing under 🙂

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