So Sad!

Bathtime Crying!

I know, I know, who really wants to see a video of my kids crying?!  But in all honesty, it was quite a funny event.  Andy was bathing the boys before bed last night and said to Asher (in a semi-stern) voice to be gentle with the splashing.  Titus (being the protective big brother that he is) immediately burst into tears, quite distressed that Andy would dare talk to Asher like this.  Asher, who could care less if he was being scolded, got distressed over Titus’ tears and decided to join in the crying.  I came in the bathroom and instead of doing the caring mom thing and comforting my crying kids, I couldn’t help but to capture the moment on video instead =)  So I’m sorry if you are appalled at the smirk this brings to me but I thought I’d share in case anyone else can relate!

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3 Responses to So Sad!

  1. Auntie Alyssa says:

    That was so funny! I like how when you asked Titus why he was sad, he looked up accusingly at Andy – it was HIM! I also thought it was funny how Titus’ tears subsided when he saw the camera and Asher stopped crying when he got his hands on a bath toy.

  2. Auntie Amy says:

    Alyssa kind of took everything Mom and I talked about while we watched this, so we’ll just second everything she said 🙂 But that was so funny! And I loved how once Titus stopped crying it was like Asher hadn’t quite gotten the memo that the brother mutiny was over… Oh, those boys!! 🙂

  3. Auntie Amy says:

    And I forgot to add that I LOVE the new header on the blog!! Titus and Asher both look SO OLD!!! (and so cute, as always :))

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