Rough one…

Today has been a rough day!  This morning Asher woke up with a worsened cough and some pretty quick and labored breathing.  I got him into the doctor this morning and after 2 1/2 hours there, many tests and x-rays, we are pretty sure that he has RSV.  He’s doing a nebulizer treatment a number of times a day but the doctor doesn’t figure that it’s doing the full job that she wishes it would.  The simple message was “let it run it’s course.”  That may sound like the easy route but it sure doesn’t feel like it when they want me to be checking his breathing rate and effort frequently!  For some reason, worrying about breathing is a whole new level of fear and worry for me…how often do I check, do I sleep right next to him, at what point to I call the doctor, etc.  We do have an appointment again tomorrow morning because the doctor seemed pretty concerned that it would continue to get worse and she wants to know for sure tomorrow.  Anyhow, that being said, we’d love any prayers you might have for little Asher…that he would heal quickly and that we would have wisdom on how to best care for him!  Thanks all!

P.S. I also can’t seem to get him to eat or drink anything which is concerning all by itself!  I try bribing him that he can have his pacifier (which is normally reserved for sleep only) after a drink of juice and he outright refuses!

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2 Responses to Rough one…

  1. Auntie Alyssa says:

    We are praying for little Asher!!

  2. Dawn says:

    poor little asher… I feel for you. Sending lots of prayers your way. Hope he feels better soon. For us coughs always got really bad at night, so what we do a lot is get bundled up in a blanket and then breathing in some good cold outside air and it usually helps things settle down. At least calms some of the barking coughs. For Henry it actually works better than a nebulizer sometimes. That or get the shower going with hot steam, close up the bathroom and make your own little sauna and have him breath in the moist, warm air. seems odd that both cold and warm air would help, but sometimes it does the trick. Word of advice though, after steaming up the bathroom, be sure to shut the bathroom door and turn on the fan to get the steam out of the bathroom, rather than opening the bathroom door and just letting it float into the hallway and over to the smoke alarm so it turns on and waked up the other child who was actually sleeping. Don’t ask me how I know about such things.

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