10 months old!


I am a few days late in this but it is true…Asher has reached the double digits and is now 10 months old!  Here’s a little glance of what he has been up to lately:

*EATING!  He still loves to eat pretty much anything and is totally done with all baby food now (he would much prefer finger food that he can feed himself, as evidenced by the above meal of mixed fruit, broccoli and black beans).

*Crawling!  We honestly figured he wasn’t going to do this since Titus never did and since he was already pulling himself up and beginning to cruise a little but it is SO fun that he is!

*Talking!  He now says Mama, Dada, Brother, Titus and Asher.  He is working really hard on cracker but not quite there yet =)

*Playing outside!  We are super happy that it is finally warming up and it is so fun to take the boys outside more.  I think the stroller is the only place that Asher sits completely silent because he is so concerned about not missing anything that happens outside.

*Wreaking havoc =)  Yes, it appears that all of Asher’s new found mobility has also lead to a decent amount of destruction in our house.  Just this morning he pulled himself up on the art easel and ripped the chalk tray right off!

I guess this got a little long but hope you can enjoy!

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6 Responses to 10 months old!

  1. Auntie Alyssa says:

    I did enjoy! He is taking your house by storm. I love that the boys are exactly 2 months apart because you always remind me that I have to do the same 8 month post.

  2. Grandma says:

    Grandpa spent time with Asher and Titus while he was on Spring Break last week and he just happened to mention (several times) how fun it was to do things that would make Asher giggle.

  3. Auntie Alyssa says:

    I would like to make a request that you post pictures of how the basement is coming along. I would especially like to see the color of your bathroom!

  4. Auntie Alyssa says:

    A giggling video would be even better:)!

  5. Nana says:

    I can’t believe that our little boy is already 10 months old. The picture is great! He looks so incredibly happy and I sure miss him.

  6. Carla says:

    he is so cute and getting SO big!!

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