I suppose it’s been a while since I’ve posted any updates about Titus. To tell the truth, not a whole lot has happened in the last couple of weeks! That sounds funny, since so much can happen so quickly with babies, but maybe it’s just that things are progressing as expected. Here’s the list of new developments over the past two weeks.
1. Titus is now using a pacifier, NUK, plug whatever you want to call it. He’s not very good at it yet, but it gives me an added edge when he’s not hungry but not really content enough to be quieted by my medley-of-memorable-songs.
2. He flipped again! I still don’t think it was entirely intentional, but two times is better than one.
3. After weeks of substance-less burps, he seems to have finally mastered the art of spitting up! Even though baby clothes are 1/4 the size of my t-shirts, he still generates a load of laundry each day or two.
4. He weighed in at 11 lb 11 oz yesterday, which was not as much as the doctor was hoping for. We consider it pretty good that he’s more than maintaining his weight, but now that we own a baby-scale, we can measure him daily to see how his weight is doing.
Hi! Your son is adorable 🙂 I just had some advice about the whole weight thing… Having had four children — two baby’s that we’re in the 95th %-ile for the first 2 years of their life and two more that don’t even make it on the weight charts — I can say with authority that as long as your baby is healthy then it doesn’t really matter what the doctor thinks about the weight! Of course you want him to continue to gain, but every baby is different, and he’ll just grow by his own schedule – not that of the doctor. Okay, that’s my two cents on that 🙂
Enjoy your precious bundle!