6 weeks already?

Wow, it’s been 6 weeks since Titus came into the world! I’m still not sure if it’s the longest or shortest 6 weeks of my life, but it has to be one of the two!

As Sarah said last night, “he’s so fun to watch!” because it seems like he’s always changing a little bit each day. Towards the beginning of the week I was amazed because I could lift him off my chest without supporting his head (sometimes), and Sarah said he had been doing that for days.

Yesterday he was laying on his stomach, and decided to hold his head up. That wasn’t such a big deal until I noticed that his feet weren’t hovering inches above the ground as usual–he was actually using his arms to lift his head! Now I know that isn’t a huge accomplishment to those of you older than 6 months, but Titus has been trying to look around by fashioning a teeter-totter out of himself, and using the weight of his legs (not much) to balance out his head (quite big and heavy) which didn’t work so well for him!

So things continue to change, a little at a time and sometimes unbeknownst to me!

About Andy

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