
In an attempt to learn more about the personality of Titus, we’ve found something that makes him unique, according our local expert (a NICU nurse who administers vitamins daily).

Most babies don’t like their vitamins–but Titus stops crying the minute they touch his mouth.

I was very excited when Sarah gave me permission to give Titus his first taste of vitamins. They looked like iodine, smelled like rotten apples mixed with coffee, and had all the signs of being as appealing as cod liver oil.

Thinking back to the ways I used to torture my little brother and sister by giving them odd tasting food and watching their faces contort (whether they ended up liking the stuff or not), I was very excited to give Titus his first non-milk taste. At the time, he was crying and pretty hungry, so it was easy to take the little half-full dropper and shoot some of that stuff down into his mouth! To my surprise, his eyes popped open, his mouth snapped shut, and he had a good ‘ole time slurping the vitamins down!

It’s been about 2 weeks since he started taking his daily vitamins, and he hasn’t pulled up his nose once. I now know that if all else fails (bouncing, going outside, walking, stroller rides, music), there’s always the vitamins to help quiet the crying baby…at least for a minute or so…

About Andy

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