Christmas Letter

Merry Christmas from the Fredman Family!  I know that this is not the Christmas letter you likely had in mind but we’re doing it a bit different this year.  Even though I passed on the official picture and letter sent by snail mail to all of you, I wanted to give you a quick update on life with the Fredman Four!

Andy continues working at Open Systems International where he plans for, designs and builds hardware products.  While that keeps him plenty busy, we make sure to keep him on his toes at home too!  He (with much help from our dads and Titus!) has finished our basement bedroom and bathroom and keeps making progress one project at a time.  He’s also building his cooking repertoire with the new professional waffle maker he got for his birthday and I’m personally loving that in so many ways =)  When he’s not at home or work, you can likely find him chasing the boys at one of their many favorite outside locations, playing basketball or teaching his kindergarteners at church.

You probably don’t need to know much about me since I’m the current primary blogger and you get lots of my ponderings but here’s my bit anyhow.  My job remains mommy and wife for now and while that may sound mundane, our days are anything but.  Each morning Titus begins the day by asking “where are we going today Mommy?” because I seldom like to spend a whole day at home.  Some days that means a trip to the library, the grocery store, ECFE or our new favorite…play dates with cousin Ollie, who is now back in Minnesota!  I am also watching two other little boys (5 months and 2 years) a couple of days a week which is a good change of pace for us as well.  When I’m not  doing one of those “jobs” I have fun doing some scrapbooking, flower gardening and running my first half marathon this year!

Titus is now 3 ½ and learning so many things!  When Andy is home, Titus loves to help him put up sheetrock, paste, and paint.  While it’s fun to see them working together, I personally enjoy his new love for cooking.  As soon as I enter the kitchen, he runs to get his apron and is ready for whatever project I give him.  If Titus picks his activity it could be an art or craft project, playing “Guess Who?”, reading books, playing anything Thomas the Train-related, or cars!  That being said, he would still probably pick anything outdoors first if given the option.  Most of Titus’ favorite days this year came during his stays with Grandma & Grandpa or Nana & Papa…this kid loves his grandparents and enjoys his times at their houses doing all sorts of special activities from trips to Paul Bunyan land to tractor rides or cooking and craft projects.  Titus can’t wait for Christmas to be here and I love how excited he is to celebrate “Jesus’ birthday!”

Asher is a 19 month old with the energy of many, many, many children =)  While running, climbing, and jumping are often just his daily warm-up, he makes sure to keep his days (and ours) full of activity!  He loves building towers, putting together puzzles, coloring and playing with anything that reminds him of the farm…tractors, animals, barns.  If he had to pick a theme play it might be dinosaurs…reading dinosaur books, playing dinosaur toys and of course being a dinosaur himself!  If you would guess that his activity level leaves little room for affection, you would be sorely incorrect…this boy loves hugs, slobbery kisses, and cuddles with his Mommy.  He also so very much enjoys learning anything and everything he can from his brother.  Those lessons include practical skills like how to build the best tower with the supplies in the kitchen cupboards, cooperation lessons like how to share, teamwork lessons like how when we both jump off the couch at the same time Mommy can only get after one of us at a time, and best of all brother lessons like how to love and take care of each other!

Anyhow, I suppose that wraps it up for us this year.  I try to keep you as updated as possible right here on our website so feel free to drop in whenever you like!  We hope you all have a blessed Christmas celebrating and remembering all that has happened in the last year!


Sarah (for Andy, Titus & Asher too)

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3 Responses to Christmas Letter

  1. Amy says:

    I love this!! And in case you were worried about my opinionated self when it comes to Christmas letters, this is a VERY acceptable method 🙂 I love how you described everyone, and I have a picture in my mind of all youractivities – especially Titus suiting up to help you in the kitchen and the coordination of the jumping off the couch 🙂

  2. Auntie Alyssa says:

    So fun to read! I am so glad you posted it!!

  3. Loann says:

    I love your family picture and the picture of the boys!!! The letter did not come through for me – just lots of white space. Maybe my computer is goofy. With Alyssa and Amy’s comment I know I am missing something great.

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