We have a monkey!

This has been quite a relaxing two days!  Since Grandma and Grandpa are teachers, they have today off and are entertaining the boys at their house =)  This morning Grandma told me about Asher’s latest development and I decided that we have a monkey!  It turns out that at only 20 months old Asher is no longer going to be sleeping in the pack and play when we are out of town.  I guess he has become quite adept at climbing out without anyone even hearing a peep!  Now, I figured that since the pack and play must be so much more shallow than his crib we would still be good to go in having him remain in his crib…I am so not ready to move him to a big bed without confinement!!  Well, I did some measuring and it turns out that the distance from the top of the mattress to the top of the side is exactly 22 inches on BOTH the crib and the pack and play…bummer!  I’m still trying to decide if he will try to escape the crib too and if I want to make the switch now or see if I can hold him off a little longer.  I certainly don’t want him to fall as he climbs out on his own either!!  Anyhow have any good answers?

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4 Responses to We have a monkey!

  1. Auntie Beth says:

    Sounds to me like Asher is just a big climber lately. But at least he’s cute doing it.

  2. Auntie Beth says:

    oh, and do you mean “anyone have any good answers?”

  3. Anne says:

    Have Andy build a dome? 😉

  4. Auntie Alyssa says:

    I can’t believe you thought to measure the distance and then did so. I wouldn’t have thought of that.

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